03 October 2006

Watercolour Lily

I managed to get back to my watercolour painting the last couple of days so decided to try this Lily using the wet in wet method........which I have been trying to do for ages but just couldn't get it right .......
This was done very similar to the method used by Susan Harrison Tunstain........
I think this one has been the best yet.


Rachel Murphree said...

Fresh and lovely! love how the colors blend beautifully...

Nan said...

Beautiful color blending with the wet on wet! So much fun when it works! Exciting to see what happens when it moves on it's own! The violet gives your lily nice depth!

Art by JoyMac said...

Thanks again,
The method of this lady(Who is the person I tok it from) Susan Harrison Tustan is tedious but woth every minute
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Joy, this is wonderful; one of the best watercolors you've done. You really know how to draw and that's a great asset.